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2015年9月-2018年6月   南开大学       工学博士

2018年9月-至今        山东交通学院   讲师




[1] 基于铁锰基双金属氧化物复合超级电容器材料构筑与电化学性能。2017.04-2020.03 (参与)

[2] 国家自然科学基金(51471089)  2015.01-2018.12  “基于镁基复合储氢材料微纳组装及吸放氢热力学与动力学调控”(参与)

[3] 国家自然科学基金 (51571124)  2016.01-2019.12 “氮-掺杂三维多孔石墨烯担载超细纳米金属Co、Ni的制备及催化LiBH4放氢性能” (参与)


[1] L. Zang, Y.J. Wang*, Z.L. Tao et al. Enhanced hydrogen storage properties and reversibility of LiBH4 confined in two-dimensional Ti3C2. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 

[2] L. Zang, Y.J. Wang*, L.F. Jiao et al. In situ synthesis of 3D flower-like nanocrystalline Ni/C and its effect on hydrogen storage properties of LiAlH4. Chemistry-an asian journal. 2018, 13: 350-357.  

[3] L. Zang, Y.J. Wang*, L.F. Jiao et al. Improved dehydrogenation properties of LiBH4 using catalytic nickel- and cobalt-based mesoporous oxide nanorods. Chemistry-an asian journal. 2018, 13: 99-105.    

[4] L. Zang, J. Liu*, Y.J. Wang et al. Improved hydrogen storage properties of LiAlH4 by mechanical milling with TiF3. Journal of alloys and compounds. 2015, 647: 756-762.     

[5] X.H. Xu1, L. Zang1, L.F. Jiao* et al. Enhanced dehydrogenation performance of LiBH4 by confinement in porous NiMnO3 microspheres. International journal of hydrogen energy. 2017, 42: 25824-25830.  

[6] X.Y. Chang, L. Zang, Y.J. Wang* et al. In situ construction of yolk-shell zinc cobaltite with uniform carbon doping for high performance asymmetric supercapacitor. Journal of Materials Chemistry A.

[7] X.H. Xu, L. Zang, L.F. Jiao* et al.. Hydrogen storage behavior of LiBH4 improved by the confinement of hierarchical porous ZnO/ZnCo2O4 nanoparticles. Journal of power sources. 2017, 359: 134-141.    

[8] Q.Y. Zhang, L. Zang, Y.J. Wang* et al. Improved hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 with Ni-based compounds. International journal of hydrogen energy. 2017, 42: 24247-2425  

[9] J.X. Cai, L. Zang, J. Liu* et al. Dehydrogenation characteristics of LiAlH4 improved by in-situ formed catalysts. Journal of Energy Chemistry.2016, 25: 868-873.              

[10] S. Liu, C.H. An, L. Zang, Y.J. Wang* et al. Facile synthesis of a 3D flower-like mesoporous Ni@C composite material for high-energy aqueous asymmetric supercapacitors. Chemistry-an asian journal. DOI:10.1002/ asia.201800056. 

[11] Q.Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, L. Zang, Y.J. Wang* et al. Core-shell Ni3N@ Nitrogen-doped carbon: synthesis and application in MgH2. Journal of alloys and compounds. 2017, 703: 381-388.

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